Results for 'Peter Edward Hojnowski'

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  1.  8
    Limits of Thought and Power in Medieval Europe.Edward Peters - 2001 - Routledge.
    The essays in this volume constitute a series of investigations into the limitations on thought and power as conceived by thinkers in the medieval West and they draw on material ranging from law to literature. The author deals with limits on the human desire for knowledge, the passion with which knowledge could legitimately be pursued, and the propriety of the knowledge sought, as well as the limits that might be tolerable and tolerated in the case of royal incapacity or misbehaviour. (...)
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    Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science. Richard Sorabji.Edward Peters - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):163-164.
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    Religion and Politics in the Bellocian Biographies.Edward N. Peters - 1986 - The Chesterton Review 12 (2):195-200.
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    Roi fainéant: The origins of an historians'commonplace.Edward Peters - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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  5. Animals: A History.Peter Adamson & Fey Edwards (eds.) - 2018
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    Truth and fiction in the negotiation of human rights: Marguerite Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture . Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, School of Assassins: The Case for Closing the School of the Americas and for Fundamentally Changing U.S. Foreign Policy.Edward Peters - 1999 - Human Rights Review 1 (1):113-119.
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    Discount-neutral utility models for denumerable time streams.Peter Fishburn & Ward Edwards - 1997 - Theory and Decision 43 (2):139-166.
    This paper formulates and axiomatizes utility models for denumerable time streams that make no commitment in regard to discounting future outcomes. The models address decision under certainty and decision under risk. Independence assumptions in both contexts lead to additive or multiplicative utilities over time periods that allow unambiguous comparisons of the relative importance of different periods. The models accommodate all patterns of future valuation. This discount-neutral feature is attained by restricting preference comparisons to outcome streams or probability distributions on outcome (...)
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    Inquisition.Edward M. Peters - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 544--550.
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    Religious studies in the secondary school curriculum: A suggested model and a response to three major philosophical objections.Peter Hobson & John Edwards - 1991 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 23 (2):67–82.
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    The pluralist predicament in studies of religion.Peter Hobson & John Edwards - 1997 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 29 (2):33–50.
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    Henry II of Cyprus, Rex inutilis: A Footnote to Decameron 1.9.Edward Peters - 1997 - Speculum 72 (3):763-775.
    The ninth story of the first day, the shortest in Boccaccio's Decameron, tells of una gentil donna di Guascogna, a gentlewoman of Gascony, who stops off at Cyprus on her return from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Assaulted and humiliated by a group of ruffians, the woman proposes to seek justice from the king of Cyprus but is told that the king is too weak and pusillanimous either to correct wrongs done to others or to avenge insults to himself. (...)
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    Les debuts de l'imagerie alchimique Barbara Obrist.Edward Peters - 1984 - Isis 75 (4):756-757.
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    Notes Toward an Archaeology of Boredom.Edward Peters - 1975 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 42.
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    Canon Law and Apotemnophilia.Edward N. Peters - 2011 - Ethics and Medics 36 (2):3-4.
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    The New Huizinga and the Old Middle Ages.Edward Peters & Walter P. Simons - 1999 - Speculum 74 (3):587-620.
    Historical studies may become classics for the wrong reasons, as did Henry Thode's Francis of Assisi or Michelet's Joan of Arc, which we now regard as cultural icons in their own right, emblems of specific elements of the cultures of the era in which they were written. We do not, however, read them for the insight they provide into their declared subjects, nor are their conclusions those of current scholarship. Other studies become classics for the right reasons. The year 1999 (...)
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    Medieval Cosmology: Theories of Infinity, Place, Time, Void, and the Plurality of Worlds. Pierre Duhem, Roger Ariew.Edward Peters - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):299-300.
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    Faire croire: Modalités de la diffusion et de la réception des messages religieux du XIIe au XVe siècle. Table ronde organisée par l'École française de Rome, en collaboration avec l'Institut d'histoire médiévale de l'Université de Padoue . Rome: École française de Rome, 1981. Paper. Pp.406. [REVIEW]Edward Peters - 1983 - Speculum 58 (1):260-261.
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  18. Shaping Church Law Around the Year 1000: The Decretum of Burchard of Worms. [REVIEW]Edward Peters - 2009 - The Medieval Review 10.
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  19. The Rise of the Medieval World 500-1300: A Biographical Dictionary. [REVIEW]Edward Peters - 2003 - The Medieval Review 10.
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    Animals: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts).Peter Adamson & G. Fay Edwards (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume traces the history of animals in philosophy, from antiquity down to contemporary times. Negative attitudes towards animals, as found in Aristotle and Descartes, turn out to be more nuanced than usually supposed, while remarkable discussions of animal welfare appear in late antiquity, India, the Islamic world, and Kant.
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    James A. Brundage, Medieval Canon Law. (The Medieval World.) London and New York: Longman, 1995. Pp. xii, 260; 1 map.Edward Peters - 1998 - Speculum 73 (4):1121-1123.
  22.  35
    The Failure of Church and Empire: Paradiso, 30.Edward M. Peters - 1972 - Mediaeval Studies 34 (1):326-335.
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  23. The Hammer of the Inquisitors: Brother Bernard Delicieux and the Struggle Against the Inquisition in Fourteenth-Century France. [REVIEW]Edward Peters - 2001 - The Medieval Review 1.
  24.  43
    R. (adam, limbuela and tesema) V. secretary of state for the home department: A case of 'mountainish inhumanity'?Peter Billings & Richard A. Edwards - unknown
    In this article the authors discuss the decision of the House of Lords in Adam, Limbuela and Tesema, where the judges gave detailed scrutiny to the support duty s.55 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 towards those who are seeking asylum and considered the approach to be adopted in determining whether there was an incompatibility with Art.3 of the European Convention on Human Rights if support was denied.
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    The Desire to Know the Secrets of the World.Edward Peters - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (4):593-610.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.4 (2001) 593-610 [Access article in PDF] The Desire to Know the Secrets of the World Edward Peters I. The letter to Ferdinand and Isabella that Christopher Columbus intended to serve as the preface to the Libro de las profecías began with a remarkable observation about his own career and the particular temperament it had shaped in him: From a very young (...)
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    Developments of greek art in the fourth century - Childs greek art and aesthetics in the fourth century B.c. Pp. XXXVI + 364, ills, b/w & colour pls. Princeton and oxford: Department of art and archaeology, princeton university / princeton university press, 2018. Paper, £50, us$65. Isbn: 978-0-691-17646-8. [REVIEW]Peter Edward Nulton - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (1):271-273.
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    „Was will eine Frau eigentlich?“ Zum Phänomen der weiblich vergeschlechtlichten curiositas.Richard Newhauser & Edward Peters - 2022 - In Andreas Speer & Robert Maximilian Schneider, Curiositas. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 450-464.
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    Il papa contadino: Celestino V e il suo tempo. [REVIEW]Edward Peters - 1998 - Speculum 73 (3):850-852.
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    Albert of Aachen, History of the Journey to Jerusalem, vol. 1: Books 1–6: The First Crusade, 1095–1099., trans., Susan Edgington. Farnham, Surrey, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013. Paper. Pp. xvi, 289; 5 maps. $34.95. ISBN: 978-1-4094-6652-9.Albert of Aachen, History of the Journey to Jerusalem, vol. 2: Books 7–12: The Early History of the Latin States, 1099–1119., trans., Susan Edgington. Farnham, Surrey, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013. Paper. Pp. xiv, 249; 2 maps. $34.95. ISBN: 978-1-4094-6653-6. [REVIEW]Edward Peters - 2014 - Speculum 89 (3):725-727.
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    Big and broad social data and the sociological imagination: A collaborative response.Anita Greenhill, Alex Voss, Jeffrey Morgan, Omer Rana, Luke Sloan, Matthew Williams, Peter Burnap, Adam Edwards, Rob Procter & William Housley - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    In this paper, we reflect on the disciplinary contours of contemporary sociology, and social science more generally, in the age of ‘big and broad’ social data. Our aim is to suggest how sociology and social sciences may respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by this ‘data deluge’ in ways that are innovative yet sensitive to the social and ethical life of data and methods. We begin by reviewing relevant contemporary methodological debates and consider how they relate to the emergence (...)
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    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, 2007.Paul E. Szarmach, Barbara A. Shailor, Susan Mosher Stuard, Joan M. Ferrante, William Mahrt, Edward Peters, Robert Babcock, Susan Boynton, Lawrence Clopper & Frederick M. Biggs - 2007 - Speculum 82 (3):796-807.
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    Knights of Faith and Resignation. [REVIEW]Peter E. Hojnowski - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (3):633-634.
    Mooney, in his particularly well-written commentary on Søren Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling, attempts to fill a conspicuous void which exists in Kierkegaard scholarship in the English-speaking world. This void is attested to by the fact that there is no book-length commentary in English on Fear and Trembling, which was viewed by Kierkegaard as one of his greatest works, and which has a certain claim to literary renown. Mooney attributes the lack of specific consideration given to this "dialectical lyric" to its (...)
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  33. Interview: Edward Said: Orientalism and After.Anne Beezer, Peter Osborne & Edward Said - 1993 - Radical Philosophy 63.
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    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, 2005.Richard K. Emmerson, Barbara A. Shailor, Susan Mosher Stuard, Madeline H. Caviness, Edward Peters, Thomas J. Heffernan, Constance Brittain Bouchard, Lawrence M. Clopper, Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Bruce W. Holsinger, Carol Symes, Paul Edward Dutton, David N. Klausner, Nancy van Deusen, William Chester Jordan & Vickie Ziegler - 2005 - Speculum 80 (3):1022-1034.
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    William James Dickinson Miller & C. J. Ducasse on the Ethics of Belief.Peter H. Hare & Edward H. Madden - 1968 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 4 (3):115 - 129.
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    Orientalism.Peter Gran & Edward Said - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (3):328.
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    Unlikely Crusader: John Eldred Swearingen and African-American Education in South Carolina.Edward Janak & Peter Moran - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (2):224-249.
  38. Edited volumes-changing life. Genomes, ecologies, bodies, commodities.Peter J. Taylor, Saul E. Halfon & Paul N. Edwards - 1998 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 20 (3):382.
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  39. Changing Life: Genomes, Ecologies, Bodies, Commodities.Peter J. Taylor & Paul N. Edwards - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (3):559-561.
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    Where guesses come from: Evolutionary epistemology and the anomaly of guided variation.Edward Stein & Peter Lipton - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (1):33-56.
    This paper considers a central objection to evolutionary epistemology. The objection is that biological and epistemic development are not analogous, since while biological variation is blind, epistemic variation is not. The generation of hypotheses, unlike the generation of genotypes, is not random. We argue that this objection is misguided and show how the central analogy of evolutionary epistemology can be preserved. The core of our reply is that much epistemic variation is indeed directed by heuristics, but these heuristics are analogous (...)
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    Studies in Ethical Theory.Peter A. French, Theodore Edward Uehling & Howard K. Wettstein - 1980
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  42. Evil and the Concept of God.Edward H. Madden & Peter H. Hare - 1968 - Religious Studies 7 (1):91-96.
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    On the difficulty of evading the problem of evil.Edward H. Madden & Peter H. Hare - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (1):58-69.
  44. Education, values, and mind: essays for R.S. Peters.Richard Stanley Peters & David Edward Cooper (eds.) - 1986 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    David E. Cooper Early in, while I was teaching in the United States, I received news of my appointment as a lecturer in the philosophy of education at the ...
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    The Foundations of Analytic Philosophy.Peter A. French, Theodore Edward Uehling & Howard K. Wettstein - 1981 - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press.
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    One-shot decisions under Linear Partial Information.Edward Kofler & Peter Zweifel - 1993 - Theory and Decision 34 (1):1-20.
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  47. C. J. Ducasse's progressive, universal hedonism.Edward H. Madden & Peter H. Hare - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (1):36-50.
  48.  69
    Using the Scenario Method to Analyze Cheating Behaviors.Peter W. Schuhmann, Robert T. Burrus, Preston D. Barber, J. Edward Graham & M. Fara Elikai - 2013 - Journal of Academic Ethics 11 (1):17-33.
    Using student self-reported cheating admissions and answers from a hypothetical cheating scenario, this paper analyzes the effects of individual and situational factors on potential cheating behavior. Results confirm several conclusions about student factors that are related to cheating. The probability of cheating is associated with younger students, lower GPAs, alcohol consumption, fraternity/sorority membership, and having cheated in high school. Student perceptions of the certainty and severity of punishment appear to have a negative and significant impact on the probability of cheating (...)
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    Philosophy of Religion.Peter A. French, Theodore Edward Uehling & Howard K. Wettstein - 1997
    This volume in the Midwest Studies in Philosophy series contains 18 essays which discuss the range of of religious traditions which inform the discussion of contemporary issues.
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    Discourse and normative business ethics.Peter Edward & Hugh Willmott - 2013 - In Christopher Luetege, Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics. Springer. pp. 549--580.
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